Saturday, January 10, 2015

My Favorite Memory: Fishing - By Caleb

Hey Everyone, Caleb here. Olivia wanted us to each tell one of our favorite memories, so here mine is.

Last summer our family went on a vacation out to Colorado which is where my grandparents live. It was great getting to visit with them. One of the best parts of the trip is when Grandpa took Andrew (that's my older brother) and me fishing. Grandma packed us a yummy picnic lunch with lunch meat sandwiches, tons of dill pickles, carrot sticks, oatmeal raisin cookies and bottles of juice. 

We were gone all day. 

We drove way up high in the mountains until we came to the lake where Grandpa likes to fish. Andrew and I decided to have a contest to see who could catch the first fish. Grandpa won. Andrew caught the most fish, though, and I caught the biggest one, so in the end it was pretty even. 

Grandpa is a great story-teller, so he told us stories while we fished. Grandpa used to come to the same lake with our dad when Dad was our age. I thought that was cool. 

It was cloudy during the day, but while we were in a restaurant eating supper the clouds blew away and we were able to see thousands of stars in the sky when we went back outside.

After we had driven away from the town where we ate, Andrew asked Grandpa if we could stop the car and get out to see the stars better. Grandpa pulled off on a side road and we all stood next to the car, our heads craned back while Andrew pointed out different constellations to us. It was neat being away from all the city lights. 

When we got home Grandma had warm apple pie and milk waiting for us and after that we got to sleep outside in a tent. 

It was one of the best days of my life. 

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